Through our network of program supporters and partners, we have compiled a focused list of online resources for those experiencing adverse mental health, substance use, in physical pain — or know someone who is experiencing those symptoms. Building Hope: Substance Use...
Drug checking Fentanyl screening is available at all overdose prevention sites. Testing kits may be found for purchase online. Mail-in drug-checking services are also available at and Drug Checking Sites on Vancouver...
Being injured, in pain, and off work can be extremely challenging. Depending on your injury and/or past injuries you may be experiencing acute or chronic pain, or both. There are two kinds of pain, acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain happens after an injury and...
Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention by phone or online chat. Call toll-free 1-855-242-3310 or start a confidential chat with a counsellor at . Unbroken Chain Indigenous Harm Reduction —...
If you or someone you know is in urgent need of medical care, please call 911. 24-Hour Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888 | The Vancouver Island Crisis Line provides a supportive listening ear for people in emotional distress and a connection to emergency...