All Resource / Vancouver island & gulf islands

Mental Health & Substance Use – Online Resources


Through our network of program supporters and partners, we have compiled a focused list of online resources for those experiencing adverse mental health, substance use, in physical pain — or know someone who is experiencing those symptoms.

  • Building Hope: Substance Use in the Trades: Building Hope: Substance Use in the Trades is a film where four men with experience in the construction industry and trades, as well as their own experiences with substance use speak to their fellow tradespeople about how to stay safer in the overdose era.
  • Moms Stop The Harm: Holding Hope Support Groups | Holding Hope Groups are peer-led support groups, offered at no cost, to families with loved ones living with addiction (substance use disorder) across Canada.
  • Moms Stop The Harm: Healing Hearts Grief Support Groups | Healing Hearts is a free bereavement support group specific to those grieving the loss of a loved one due to overdose or substance-use related harms.
  • BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services: Provides a range of specialized mental health and substance BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services: Provides a range of specialized mental health and substance use services for adults across the province.
  • HeadsUpGuys: An online resource that supports men in their fight against depression by providing tips, tools, information about professional services, and stories of success.
  • HeretoHelp: Provides information related to mental health and substance use. The website includes personal stories, self-help resources, and information about getting help now.
  • MindHealthBC: Provides easy access to information and resources related to mental health and substance use conditions.
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