If you or someone you know is in urgent need of medical care, please call 911.
Fraser Health Crisis Line – Phone: 604-872-3311
310 Mental Health Support – Phone: 604-310-6789
Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service – Phone: 604-660-9382 or toll free 1-800-663-1441
Culturally Sensitive Crisis Line for Aboriginal people – Phone: 1-800-KUU-US17
National Overdose Response Services (NORS) – Phone: 1-888-688-6677
BC Mental Health and Addiction info line – Phone: 1-800-661-2121
National Overdose Response Service (NORS) – Phone: 1-888-688-6677
Phone Apps:
If a physical OPS isn’t available or of interest digital ones
exist in the form of the Lifeguard and The Brave App
downloadable through all app stores.
The app is activated by the user before they take their
dose. After 50 seconds the app will sound an alarm. If the
user doesn’t indicate that they are fine, the alarm grows
louder. After 75 seconds, the app will alert emergency
The user can utilize the app to connect with remote peer
support through a voice call. If the user is deemed
unresponsive during the call, your supporter will employ
your custom response plan to call for help.