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Toward the Heart & BCCDC Partner On Anonymous Drug Alert System.

Jan 17, 2024

All Posts/ Toward the Heart & BCCDC Partner On Anonymous Drug Alert System.

Toward the Heart and BCCDC have partnered with local health authorities and community partners to send anonymous toxic drug and health alerts by text in B.C.

The Toxic Drug and Health Alert Initiative is a free, real-time text messaging service for anyone to receive toxic drug alerts or share information about toxic drugs in their community. This service is anonymous. People can get other information by text message, like where to find naloxone or how to get drugs tested. Toxic drug and health alerts are currently available in the Interior, Fraser Health, Northern, and Vancouver Island Regions. This service will be expanded to other regions of the province.


To sign up, text the word JOIN to 253787 (ALERTS).

When you sign up you’ll be asked which health region you want to get alerts for.  You can choose more than one region or sign up for the whole province.  You will receive alerts for all of B.C. if you do not choose an area. To find out which health region you live in, look here.

Once you’ve signed up, you can text the following words for more options:

  • MENU to see all the options and tools for this service
  • FIND to find harm reduction supplies
  • NARCAN to learn where naloxone kits are available
  • SAFE to find overdose prevention sites
  • TREAT to find substance use treatment and support services
  • OD to tell us about toxic drugs so we can warn others
  • MAP to confirm or change the area you want to receive alerts for
  • HELP (or AIDE) for help with this text service
  • STOP (or ARRET) to stop receiving texts from this number
  • START (or COMMENCER) to rejoin this service after texting STOP